Tuesday 13 September 2011

My Business Tips – by Regina Mangan

Having been in business since 1997 I have learnt so much along the way.  I have learnt from my successes but more so from my mistakes.   I would like to share some tips with you today which I hope you will find helpful.

1                                             Be authentic. Be yourself.
2                                             Establish yourself as the expert, through traditional and social media.
3                                             Be different and don’t be afraid to stand out.
4                                             Surround yourself by great people, positive people and people who are better at stuff than you are.
5                                             Hire the best people you can, don’t settle.
6                                             Benchmark against the best in your industry.
7                                             Make a plan, set goals and targets.  Keep going back to them.
8                                             Invest in good software for your CRM and financial management.
9                                             Ensure you have up to date financials ALWAYS.   Things can change and you need to have the information to make sure you react fast.
10                                         Keep knocking on doors.   Some will eventually open.
11                                         No doesn’t always mean no.  Don’t give up.
12                                         Get out of your office. Network, network & network, building new contacts is very important to your business.
13                                         Be confident in yourself.  Exude positivity.
14                                         Don’t necessary be the cheapest in order to win new business.  Price is not always the deciding factor.   Some business just isn’t worth getting.
15                                         Keep true to your promise and your principles.  Create your own culture that everyone in your organisation understands.
16                                         Get out of your comfort zone; it’s totally necessary if you want to achieve great things.
17                                         Get a good mentor.   Their experience and knowledge can be invaluable.
18                                         Go with your gut instinct; it’s there for a reason.
19                                         Make sure you have a good relationship with your bank, talk to them.
20                                         Enjoy what you do and have fun.